$115.00 USD

4 monthly payments

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Installment payments

Here's everything you are going to get LIFETIME ACCESS to: 

120+ classes on mental preparation

+ Full Access to the Athlete Mentality Academy and all future updates ($540)

+ App with a workbook for applying the exercises ($97) 

+ Guided visualizations for improving confidence ($147) 

+ Blue Bloods Community access to ask questions and interact with like-minded athletes ($127)

+ Tests to assess your confidence, motivation, mood, anxiety, and more. ($197) 

+ Books, podcasts, and movie recommendations ($47)

+ Premier League Scout Masterclass on how to make a trial ($77)

+ Elite Physical Training module with Sports Scientist ($97)

+ Brain Nutrition Module - what foods will help improve brain performance ($97) 

+ Injury Mental Recovery Training ($97) 

+ Weekly Live Q&A's Group Calls ($87) 

+ ANYTHING I add in the future